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Electric Or Bust! What Is Your Opinion?

What would you choose?

  • Internal Combustion Engine (ICE)

    Votes: 39 56.5%
  • Mild-Hybrid (mHEV)

    Votes: 4 5.8%
  • Plug-In Hybrid (PHEV)

    Votes: 17 24.6%
  • Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV)

    Votes: 9 13.0%

  • Total voters
really all this needs to be pushed back until silicon batteries are ready... it's like Mercury vapor debacle on steroids when the proper solution was right around the corner.
What ever happened to the Beta vs VHS battle? Which one dominates today?

The thing that bothers me the most about the EV thing is this lemming like rush over the cliff. It isn't supposed to be this way. There was originally a slow and steady path towards increased electrification. The public would be buying and driving more hybrids and plugin hybrids. Such technology would use less batteries, but help people become more acquainted with regenerative braking, plugging in and charging their vehicles et cetera. In addition the slow and steady route would allow for the charging network and other supporting resources to be sufficiently developed. When such ideas for this slow growth timeline were being drawn up the next generation of mild and plugin hybrids were still in the research lab. The engineers and designers in those labs and research facilities, who were involved with the next generation of high voltage mild and plugin hybrids (and those involved with pure battery electric vehicles), participated heavily in the planning the slow and steady route into our automotive future.

There needs to be some sort of SAE equivalent to The Great Barrington Declaration , but dealing instead with transportation instead of medicine. The bureaucrats now running the show have a totalitarian bent which has automotive executives cowering and national economies will be ruined over this.
What ever happened to the Beta vs VHS battle? Which one dominates today?

Neither Streaming

Look they can't ban public transport in USA in one Step. The problem is people think THEY are trying to solve a problem. They are but the problem to them is too much Freedom not a boogieman Enviromental apocalypse that has been coming since language was invented.
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The July 8th conference will tell us about Stellantis' electric future, so I am curious to know what you all truly think about the future of electric vehicles.

(No arguing, please be polite and respectful, I really don't want to hear negativity or have to delete any post or lock this post).
As a certified professional I’m going to say turning wrenches has changed so much and the pool of decent Techs isn’t there we need to be more aggressive in obtaining people to work on what’s coming out
As a certified professional I’m going to say turning wrenches has changed so much and the pool of decent Techs isn’t there we need to be more aggressive in obtaining people to work on what’s coming out
Lot of potential energy sitting there demanding to be released, handle with care.
As a certified professional I’m going to say turning wrenches has changed so much and the pool of decent Techs isn’t there we need to be more aggressive in obtaining people to work on what’s coming out
I have been turning wrenches for 40 years. Not only have I seen the quality of techs decline ( still a lot of good ones ) but the work ethic has declined also. No one wants to work a full day or week! Also the lack of investment to their trade. I have acquired a vast assortment of tools over the years, many bought to complete one job only. The new techs don't want to spend money on tools. They would rather borrow them. Also find that new techs want to start at the top as master techs. Sorry but you can't be a master tech if you don't know or even understand the basics.

I dread what the future of the repair industry will look like. Cars are only getting more complicated than they were when I started out. I suppose my advantage is that I started with points and carburetors and learned as technology changed. Those just starting out have a much steeper learning curve.
More excited about a vehicle with a so-called range extender or a hybrid whereby a small internal combustion engine is used only to charge the onboard batteries. Not a new concept considering the 1916 Owen Magnetic as seen on Jay Leno's Garage as well as the Briggs and Stratton concept of the early eighties. An I.C.E. or fuel cell can be used. This approach could virtually eliminate range anxiety and shorten plug-in charge times.
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ICE or maybe a hybrid. Not a chance of me buying a full EV. Electric is not free and in most cases it’s generated by the burning of fossil fuel. In addition we always hear about how the utilities are asking us to cut back in the hotter months because they can not keep up with the demand. Not to mention hurricanes and major storms when the power can go out for weeks. Electric is not a primary source of energy. It’s secondary. It has to be generated by another source. No thank you. I will stick with ICE.
Will never buy an EV. I bought another challenger this year and will take it to 3 million miles and beyond. I just can not get excited about driving a appliance.
ICE or maybe a hybrid. Not a chance of me buying a full EV. Electric is not free and in most cases it’s generated by the burning of fossil fuel. In addition we always hear about how the utilities are asking us to cut back in the hotter months because they can not keep up with the demand. Not to mention hurricanes and major storms when the power can go out for weeks. Electric is not a primary source of energy. It’s secondary. It has to be generated by another source. No thank you. I will stick with ICE.
Well, I hope you are not in a State that you will still have that choice.

Will never buy an EV. I bought another challenger this year and will take it to 3 million miles and beyond. I just can not get excited about driving a appliance.

Pay attention to what California is doing because the other authoritarian states will follow. They are going to start cracking down on the miles that can be driven with a Historic or Antique plate. Why is this important, well one has to be emission compliant otherwise. If that goes to zero your Challenger will be awesome for the 300 miles a month your "ALLOWED" to drive it. 800 plus years to get to 3 million at that rate.
There is a real need for battery electric powered vehicles in the market place, but this heavy handed EV push will be very damaging to the economy. The state where I live just passed a "black out bill" which severely restricts fossil fuels in the production of electricity. That makes me think twice before wanting an EV. (or living here)

There is better battery chemistry coming, but this politically induced rush will lock us into using an obsolete solution. Battery electric vehicles were supposed to have a gradual introduction into the marketplace, and as improvements came along more people would buy into it. Forcing a technology on everyone hints it really isn't a better solution.

BTW, the EPA says the water is safe to drink. Trust the government.
I'm not all in on electrics, but hybrids (mild- and plug in) will work for the public until they can go fully electric. Currently the infrastructure doesn't support the American market and until the can make charging stations widely available to every household it's not a realistic option. All the retrofitting apartment complexes alone to support the number of vehicles to replace ICE vehicles would be a huge undertaking. Also if you work at a facility that does not even have charging stations, would there be an incentive for companies to install them?
I'm not all in on electrics, but hybrids (mild- and plug in) will work for the public until they can go fully electric. Currently the infrastructure doesn't support the American market and until the can make charging stations widely available to every household it's not a realistic option. All the retrofitting apartment complexes alone to support the number of vehicles to replace ICE vehicles would be a huge undertaking. Also if you work at a facility that does not even have charging stations, would there be an incentive for companies to install them?
Depending on your state you better talk to your legislature. Because 14 state start the punative taxes in 28' and outright ban in 35' on ice. I expect NY and Minnasota to eventually join them. The cart way infront of the horse, I suppose the revenue from the Taxes could be used on infrastructure but most states can't even build a bathroom for under 1 millions, so charging infrastucture seems impossible.
Depending on your state you better talk to your legislature. Because 14 state start the punative taxes in 28' and outright ban in 35' on ice. I expect NY and Minnasota to eventually join them. The cart way infront of the horse, I suppose the revenue from the Taxes could be used on infrastructure but most states can't even build a bathroom for under 1 millions, so charging infrastucture seems impossible.
Well TX is the oil and gun state, which can barely keep a decent electrical grid through a minor cold snap, so I doubt they'll be rushing to push those mandates.
Well TX is the oil and gun state, which can barely keep a decent electrical grid through a minor cold snap, so I doubt they'll be rushing to push those mandates.
Yeah you are likely safe there in Texas