
NJ Dealer Under Fire For Viral Flash Flooding Video:

Local Homeowners Blame Dealer For Flash Flooding Aftermath...

This past weekend, torrential rains hit the northern part of the state of New Jersey causing massive flash flooding in about half-dozen counties. Hundreds of homes were damaged over the weekend causing a state of emergency.

In the town of Little Falls, New Jersey, a video of about a dozen vehicles went viral after they were caught in rushing flood waters from the Peckman River. The vehicles were then washed away and slammed into an overpass on Route 46.

Frank Esposito, owner of Route 46 Chrysler, Jeep Dodge is now under fire from local homeowners for the vehicles from his dealership that were washed away from the flash floods in which caused a dam according to homeowners, which diverted water into nearby streets and homes.

According to WNBC News 4, Esposito disputes that the cars never formed a dam and is refuting the notion that his cars were too close to the river. He stated that most of his lot and dealership was overtaken from the flooding. Espostio was mentioned that his staff had moved all the cars away from the river, when the water began to rise.

Keith Kazmark, the mayor of Woodland Park which is the town on the other side of Route 46 told WNBC on Monday, “There is no doubt that there was a wave created by the blockage of those vehicles under Route 46.”

Image may contain: car, sky and outdoor
Before & After of the Flooding at Route 46 Chrysler Jeep Dodge. (Route 46 Chrysler Jeep Dodge).

Forty-two cars in total were washed away and were stacked up at the Route 46 overpass.

Esposito, is asking for people to take another look at that viral video and see that his business, which was back open for business on Monday, was also a casualty of the wild storm. “There’s nothing I could have done any different that could have changed that,” he said to WNBC.

Robert S. Miller

Robert S. Miller is a diehard Mopar enthusiast who lives and breathes all that is Mopar. The Michigander is not only the Editor for,, and but an automotive photographer. He is an avid fan of offshore powerboat racing, which he travels the country to take part in.

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