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The future is EV??

New century of the blown engine... guy on the FB page was complaining about having to replace his Pentastar at 70K for similar price.... But like this you would repair a battery on a high mileage car or get a salvage not a new one. Jasper engine and other similar services. I wonder if some these like Jasper will add that as a business unit.
Except battery packs are in the ~$25k + range. Not including labor.

A Pentastar doesn’t cost that much. Hell a Cummins crate engine is $15k.

Ford, GM, and Hyundai/Kia breathing a huge sigh of relief. Hopefully they refrain from simply kicking their feet back and pricing EV product only to shareholders benefit now.
Ford, GM, and Hyundai/Kia breathing a huge sigh of relief. Hopefully they refrain from simply kicking their feet back and pricing EV product only to shareholders benefit now.
A recent Forbes article says of the Ford Mustang Mock-e, "The standard range Mach-E is now shipping with a new lithium iron phosphate (LFP) battery pack supplied by Chinese battery maker CATL. The LFP battery quietly debuted partway through the 2023 model year." o_O
I really think the people behind the Meat Puppet are banning personal transport. They just block mining of the rare earth metals in Minn. So how can you make EV batteries in the USA if you can't mine and source the materials? While working with CARB and EPA to mandate EVs that a smaller percentage of people want.
CATL and Ford were supposed to build a battery plant in Michigan, but Congress fought that tooth and nail. Now that EV growth hit a wall and Ford is broke, it might not ever happen.
The Battery Plant is being built between Louisville and Bowling Green. and Assembly batteries is a better description.
I'm surprised nobody else caught this in the news.

Governor Glenn Youngkin and Attorney General Jason Miyares: Virginia Will Exit California Electric Vehicle Mandate at End of Year​

RICHMOND, VA - Governor Youngkin today announced the end of the California electric vehicle mandate in Virginia, effective at the end of 2024 when California’s current regulations expire. An official opinion from Attorney General Jason Miyares in response to a request by the Governor and Senate Republican Leader Ryan McDougle confirms that Virginia is not required to comply with expansive new mandates adopted by the unelected California Air Resources Board (CARB) set to take effect January 1, 2025.

“Once again, Virginia is declaring independence – this time from a misguided electric vehicle mandate imposed by unelected leaders nearly 3,000 miles away from the Commonwealth,” said Governor Glenn Youngkin. “The idea that government should tell people what kind of car they can or can’t purchase is fundamentally wrong. Virginians deserve the freedom to choose which vehicles best fit the needs of their families and businesses. The law is clear, and I am proud to announce Virginians will no longer be forced to live under this out-of-touch policy.”

“Today, I’ve issued an official Attorney General Opinion that confirms that Virginians are no longer legally bound to follow the emission standards of California,” said Attorney General Jason Miyares. “EV mandates like California’s are unworkable and out of touch with reality, and thankfully the law does not bind us to their regulations. California does not control which cars Virginians buy and any thoughts that automobile manufacturers should face millions of dollars in civil penalties rather than allowing our citizens to choose their own vehicles is completely absurd.”

In 2021, the Virginia General Assembly passed legislation authorizing Virginia’s Air Board to adopt California’s “Advanced Clean Cars I” regulation pursuant to Section 177 of the federal Clean Air Act. The California Air Resources Board (CARB) recently adopted “Advanced Clean Cars II,” set to take effect January 1, 2025, which would require 100% of new cars sold in Model Year 2035 to be electric vehicles. An opinion from Attorney General Jason Miyares confirms the law, as written, does not require Virginia to follow ACC II. Therefore, the Commonwealth will follow federal emissions standards on January 1, 2025.

“Throughout CARB’s ‘Advanced Clean Cars II’ regulation are references to California Governor Gavin Newsom’s executive orders and the unique environmental circumstances facing California. Virginia’s laws should not be determined by California politicians. Instead, our laws should be decided by Virginians who are elected to serve Virginia and address issues that face our Commonwealth, not a state nearly 3,000 miles away,” said Senator Ryan McDougle, who co-patroned legislation to repeal CARB’s mandate during this year’s legislative session along with Senator Richard Stuart, Senator John McGuire, Delegate Lee Ware, Delegate Tony Wilt, and Delegate Buddy Fowler.

Under Advanced Clean Cars II, beginning in Model Year 2026, 35% of the new cars sold would have been required to be electric vehicles, moving up to 100% in 2035. If an auto manufacturer sells a standard automobile out of compliance with California’s mandate, they may be required to pay a fine upwards of $20,000 per vehicle sold. Given that EVs only amounted to 9% of vehicles sold in Virginia in 2023, application of the misguided mandates could have resulted in hundreds of millions of dollars in penalties. Virginia auto consumers and dealers could be forced to bear these costs. Not only would this leave auto dealers with less money to pay staff, offer raises, and grow their businesses, it could force many small auto dealers to permanently close their doors.

The Attorney General’s opinion can be found here.

A formal memo from Secretary of Natural and Historic Resources Travis Voyles to regulated entities and the Department of Environmental Quality can be found here.

Source :: Governor Glenn Youngkin | Governor.Virginia.gov

Ford, GM, and Hyundai/Kia breathing a huge sigh of relief. Hopefully they refrain from simply kicking their feet back and pricing EV product only to shareholders benefit now.

Yeah, but Biden's plan has loopholes. It still doesn't fully protect from China building in Mexico and then shipping to the US. It also doesn't do anything for General Motors, which produces the Envision in China.

On August 6, 2018, General Motors announced that it might withdraw the Envision from the United States and Canadian markets due to President Donald Trump's tariffs on Chinese goods should its request to seek a tariff waiver for the vehicles be denied. According to GM President Dan Ammann, the automaker saw the exemption as "the only way" to continue offering the car to U.S. consumers. The exemption was denied on May 29, 2019, but GM opted to pay the tariffs without raising the price of the vehicle.
Yeah, but Biden's plan has loopholes. It still doesn't fully protect from China building in Mexico and then shipping to the US.
If Trump shows back up he's definitely not gonna let that slide - or at least will threaten he won't allow it. BYD and peers will wanna outdo Tesla and Hondas 'most American made car' credentials to have a chance at getting either presidential hopefuls off their backs.

It also doesn't do anything for General Motors, which produces the Envision in China.

On August 6, 2018, General Motors announced that it might withdraw the Envision from the United States and Canadian markets due to President Donald Trump's tariffs on Chinese goods should its request to seek a tariff waiver for the vehicles be denied. According to GM President Dan Ammann, the automaker saw the exemption as "the only way" to continue offering the car to U.S. consumers. The exemption was denied on May 29, 2019, but GM opted to pay the tariffs without raising the price of the vehicle.
Can't say I'm too surprised they don't make a lot of Buicks in America anymore though.
Bu Ick is almost exclusively a Chinese brand, if might fade into the sunset with a Consumer tax on imported goods.
There is NO FUTURE for the EV.
The pipe dream will fail. Even Japan is smart enough to see this!
They aren't being led by the nose on this extremely stupid idea.
These forum used to be a place for legit discussion, but seems to falling into the Social Media fad of seeing who can flame the most.

Yes EVs have a future the best selling Car in the world is the Model Y, and that was from a starting point of zero. There is a problem in the USA as it seems to be tribalized and instead of market driven,

As Solid-State batteries and fusion have time to mature, it will be increasingly the best transport solution. The issue is regulatory pressures only create post like above.
We shall see soon enough won't we. Please don't take down your reply when it fails. With our weak and decrepit power grid and Tesla having to send out special teams to put out battery fires that burn for long periods you will see it not too long from now. I have friends who work for Tesla and they all say they would never own one. And China has piles and piles of them rotting in toxic junkyards.
Denial of the obvious is often a futile uphill battle.
We shall see soon enough won't we. Please don't take down your reply when it fails. With our weak and decrepit power grid and Tesla having to send out special teams to put out battery fires that burn for long periods you will see it not too long from now. I have friends who work for Tesla and they all say they would never own one. And China has piles and piles of them rotting in toxic junkyards.
Denial of the obvious is often a futile uphill battle.
I see you managed to cram every talking point for the fossil fuel lobby into a single post. Well done!

The one about the grid is especially funny. How many big manufacturing plants or AC installs are being cancelled due to “decrepit power grids?”

Not one. That’s because the whole talking point is nonsense.
Electric is not the answer. Gas and diesel STILL remain the best. And will remain so
Every other car Shanghai is a model Y... ask me how I know. And why not use ALL CAPS ALSO
The pipe dream will fail. Even Japan is smart enough to see this!
They aren't being led by the nose on this extremely stupid idea.
Almost all of the Japanese brands have plans to sell battery electric vehicles in the North American Market. Both Honda and Toyota are estimating 30% of future sales. Toyota is also planning on selling EVs in other overseas markets which don't have zero emissions mandates.
The one about the grid is especially funny. How many big manufacturing plants or AC installs are being cancelled due to “decrepit power grids?”

Not one.
I don't know what the exact number is, but the number is definitely more than "not one." Electrical utilities price their industrial/ commercial customers using demand charges. It is a fact of life and contributes to the reason high speed charging stations are so expensive to use in some areas.
Electric is not the answer. Gas and diesel STILL remain the best. And will remain so
There is no panacea, whether it is ICE, battery electric, or hydrogen fuel cells. I'm not saying this to disrespect internal combustion power, it has shown to be a highly adaptable technology with engines produced in a huge variety of sizes and uses. Sometimes the best solution is an electric motor either with batteries or under a catenary wire.
