Unleash Your Inner Adventurer with the AEV Prospector XL Tray Bed
The Ultimate Adventure Rig for Off-Road Enthusiasts

If you’re looking for an adventure-ready vehicle that can handle any terrain and any challenge, look no further than the American Expedition Vehicles (AEV) Prospector XL Tray Bed. This iconic adventure rig was originally a personal project of AEV’s President, Dave Harriton, and has since become one of the most talked about vehicles in the industry.

Unleash Your Inner Adventurer with the AEV Prospector XL Tray Bed
If you're looking for an adventure-ready vehicle that can handle any terrain and any challenge, look no further than the American Expedition Vehicles (AEV) Prospector XL Tray Bed. This iconic adventure rig was originally a personal project of AEV's President, Dave Harriton, and has since become...