I hate to speak on anything political, however with this I can't really ignore the political aspect of what is going on in the world. I agree that alot more things need to be brought back in house to the country. Our auto industry, farming, technology and communications are all things that should be taken care of here at home for several different reasons. I am Pro-America no matter which political party is in office because at the end of the day the concern shouldn't be popularity votes, it should be who has the country's best interest at heart. There are alot of things that never should have been exported from the country, this is true and our current president only has 4years to do whatever it is he's going to do. However, from my viewpoint as a citizen without understanding from their perspective, I tend to disagree with certain things, mainly things that cause rifts between nations. Especially our neighbors, Canada and Mexico. I'm all for reducing the fact that we lean on China and India so much and I think that we need to re-evaluate those situations, but we need to be closer to our neighbors and South America as well. The way things were gone about was the classic putting the cart before the horse. We needed to have things in place first so that when we did transition, it wouldn't have been such a sudden and abrupt "about face" so to speak. There are easily states in the US that could benefit from factories from the auto industry such as anywhere from Pittsburgh to Philadelphia. Yes, bring the American economy back but first make sure we have people and structures in place to do what is needed.