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pose stickers carbon d;origine sur challenger srt8 de 2010


New member
Jan 27, 2021
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bonjour, je suis nouveau sur ce forum qui est très interressant, je suis français, je vis en normandie dans la ville de carentan, j'adore les voitures américaines et particulièrement la marque DODGE, ne trouvant pas de pièces en france , j'ai commandé aux usa un sticker d'origine pour mon capot ( suite à une peinture) et je me pose la question comment puis-je le poser, à sec ou avec de l'eau pulvérisée ? Pouvez vous s'il vous plait me conseiller car je ne trouve pas de vidéos sur le sujet .MERCI
Here's the translated version, or Google's translated version, for those of us who don't read French. I don't have an answer, but someone may.

Hello, I am new to this forum which is very interesting, I am French, I live in Normandy in the city of Carentan, I love American cars and particularly the DODGE brand, not finding parts in France, I have ordered in the usa an original sticker for my hood (following a painting) and I ask myself the question how can I put it, dry or with sprayed water? Can you please advise me as I cannot find videos on the subject. THANKS
Here's the translated version, or Google's translated version, for those of us who don't read French. I don't have an answer, but someone may.

Hello, I am new to this forum which is very interesting, I am French, I live in Normandy in the city of Carentan, I love American cars and particularly the DODGE brand, not finding parts in France, I have ordered in the usa an original sticker for my hood (following a painting) and I ask myself the question how can I put it, dry or with sprayed water? Can you please advise me as I cannot find videos on the subject. THANKS

Hi ,welcome.
I think it's better to dry it so that there are no streaks. But I didn't do it

Olivia Parcker developer "worktime"
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