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How many Americans do you see in this group?

:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: Dave Z - guy needs to go away, and it will be soon, VS only gives the prior owners so long before they get ousted for new admins

The only Americans on that list are being systemically squeezed out on purpose, I give Christine 3 months - she's nothing but a sacrificial lamb "well that does it, Chrysler is done, Dodge too" -****avres
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I’m mean, I’m not a Dave fan but how is that post “stupid”? Because he’s right, at least partially
I’m mean, I’m not a Dave fan but how is that post “stupid”? Because he’s right, at least partially
This is Stellantis 100%. They're the ones going all in on EV's, pricing everything into the stratosphere, have inventory out the wazoo and are now asking dealers to buy their own inventory as demos / service loaners to artificially boost the retail sales numbers.

Tavares is THE WORST CEO Chrysler has probably ever had
I can’t disagree but Sergio and Elkann certainly played their part in this mess.

Sergio was the one flapping about a merge for several years…
I can’t disagree but Sergio and Elkann certainly played their part in this mess.

Sergio was the one flapping about a merge for several years…

JNAP2 was greenlit by Sergio. WTAP renovation happened under Sergio. Ram 1500 @ SHAP happened under Sergio.

Sergio had his faults (Alfa/Fiat) for sure, but things boomed under his watch - Erik & Dave @ Allpar and anyone else who aligns to their stupidity are idiots for thinking otherwise.
JNAP2 was greenlit by Sergio. WTAP renovation happened under Sergio. Ram 1500 @ SHAP happened under Sergio.

Sergio had his faults (Alfa/Fiat) for sure, but things boomed under his watch - Erik & Dave @ Allpar and anyone else who aligns to their stupidity are idiots for thinking otherwise.
Anyone that bitches about Sergio is a fool. Had he not stepped up Chrysler was going to be liquidated - that is a fact and right in Steve Rattners (car czar) book from back then. No Sergio = no Chrysler. I just read American Icon (the saving of Ford by Mulally) and it echoed the same thing. They were ready to help GM but not Chrysler unless a partner that was willing to go all in + had a track record of saving an auto company would step up. They then got extra help from the gov't which Ford didnt get.

Sergio respected Chrysler, he knew it was the bread winner, spent big bucks improving the designs and interiors over the tupperware crap left from Daimler and made it a powerhouse. Stellantis is just NPC's running it BACK into the ground ala Daimler.

I wonder if a hostile takeover could happen to grab Chrysler/Dodge/Ram/Jeep and sell the French stuff off to the highest bidder. Let GIlles go (its time for a core design change), bring back Kuniskis, Fred Diaz, Bigland etc and RUN IT properly
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Anyone that bitches about Sergio is a fool. Had he not stepped up Chrysler was going to be liquidated - that is a fact and right in Steve Rattners (car czar) book from back then. No Sergio = no Chrysler. I just read American Icon (the saving of Ford by Mulally) and it echoed the same thing. They were ready to help GM but not Chrysler unless a partner that was willing to go all in + had a track record of saving an auto company would step up. They then got extra help from the gov't which Ford didnt get.

Sergio respected Chrysler, he knew it was the bread winner, spent big bucks improving the designs and interiors over the tupperware crap left from Daimler and made it a powerhouse. Stellantis is just NPC's running it BACK into the ground ala Daimler.

I wonder if a hostile takeover could happen to grab Chrysler/Dodge/Ram/Jeep and sell the French stuff off to the highest bidder. Let GIlles go (its time for a core design change), bring back Kuniskis, Fred Diaz, Bigland etc and RUN IT properly
See you mentioned Sergio, but you forget that about the Netherlands structure that succeed the original FIAT SPA is designed to prevent outsiders & takeovers.
Remember PSA ceased with the merger closing.
Remember, the same power that approved Carlos $25 million & beyond pay packages despite objections is the same power to block takeovers:John Elkann.
Anyone that bitches about Sergio is a fool.
I can assure you saying something so sensationalist is more foolish than bitching about Sergio. What a moronic comment.

So take that dildo out of your ass and float back down to non-orgasmic reality with the rest of us. I’m well aware of what happened in 2009, remember vividly, and yup Sergio was the man; however, Sergio and the team did absolutely nothing to prepare for the future, that future that everyone has seen coming for two decades. Sure, on one hand we love it because they literally made more horsepower available to more people than any manufacturer has done, EVER, but when you kill your only small relatively fuel efficient cars and never replace them, you end up in a miserable position now having to KILL your bread and butter and relying on a fart in the win plan for electric. We had a great near-decade and now, nothing. Sergio absolutely 100% played a role in this, or in your lust for the man have you forgotten about him openly shopping the company before he died? So, go off and Google what the man said about some product and the road he chose, and come back and put those words to fruition today. He got what he wanted, a merger, and a merger that so far makes the “merger of equals” with Mercedes look genius. But hey, we got the L platform and Gen III Hemi out of that, so all good yes? Hardly

Yup, this Stellantis thing could still very well lead to the demise of Dodge and Chrysler brands.

And if you’re ok with that, YOU sir, are the fool.
I can assure you saying something so sensationalist is more foolish than bitching about Sergio. What a moronic comment.

So take that dildo out of your ass and float back down to non-orgasmic reality with the rest of us. I’m well aware of what happened in 2009, remember vividly, and yup Sergio was the man; however, Sergio and the team did absolutely nothing to prepare for the future, that future that everyone has seen coming for two decades. Sure, on one hand we love it because they literally made more horsepower available to more people than any manufacturer has done, EVER, but when you kill your only small relatively fuel efficient cars and never replace them, you end up in a miserable position now having to KILL your bread and butter and relying on a fart in the win plan for electric. We had a great near-decade and now, nothing. Sergio absolutely 100% played a role in this, or in your lust for the man have you forgotten about him openly shopping the company before he died? So, go off and Google what the man said about some product and the road he chose, and come back and put those words to fruition today. He got what he wanted, a merger, and a merger that so far makes the “merger of equals” with Mercedes look genius. But hey, we got the L platform and Gen III Hemi out of that, so all good yes? Hardly

Yup, this Stellantis thing could still very well lead to the demise of Dodge and Chrysler brands.

And if you’re ok with that, YOU sir, are the fool.
You mad? I assume you lost your ass on their stock you were so proudly over invested in. No Sergio wasn't perfect but again had he not stepped up, Chrysler would be a distant memory by now. He was playing to Obamas stupid unattainable CAFE book "V8's will be as rare as white flies" - he didnt see Trump coming, he then died. It was Mike Manley who did this lame duck merger. Sergio was trying to run the company 10 years ahead and under the liberals was nearly impossible compared to how Chrysler made all their money (STILL)

How much did you lose? You should have listened - I sounded the alarm long ago on here, go look
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You mad? I assume you lost your ass on their stock you were so proudly over invested in. No Sergio wasn't perfect but again had he not stepped up, Chrysler would be a distant memory by now. He was playing to Obamas stupid unattainable CAFE book "V8's will be as rare as white flies" - he didnt see Trump coming, he then died. It was Mike Manley who did this lame duck merger. Sergio was trying to run the company 10 years ahead and under the liberals was nearly impossible compared to how Chrysler made all their money (STILL)

How much did you lose? You should have listened - I sounded the alarm long ago on here, go look
Note:He would't at all
Unless you sold during the COVID lockdown in 2020 (That poster is ignored list for a reason).
Note:He would't at all
Unless you sold during the COVID lockdown in 2020 (That poster is ignored list for a reason).

I just added you to my ignored list - frankly you should be banned
It's far from rosey. Product or powertrain development decisions made and pushed by French have been proved wrong so far, on both sides of the pond.

You know. We got the new Grande Panda which actually looks like Panda without drawbacks, first such ex FCA product on PSA platform but then Citroen C3 is at least partially screwed.
And this new Grande Panda was originally planned as BEV only. Just imagine a marker bloodbath if they've remained on that track.

I'll not type much about Avenger, 600, and Junior lack of proper dedicated development under Stellantis. Same old CMP crap which gave some exterior design drawbacks and so on. No even Uconnect 5 which is superior to PSA system. Very cheap interiors while price is high.

NO Avenger got plastic skid pads :D :D hope they have some glass in them.

But at least the Jeep and 600 look brand correct. Dongfeng car....

We do know the Indians are doing a lot of computational development of the next version so there is hope for the STLA Mid and Small. That group started as part of Jeep going back pre-2008.

One should not be surprised as there was NO WAY these cars would be ready if the FCA people had a chance to look at the structure and we knew that when they announced when they would be launched. Glad they won't make it here.
You mad? I assume you lost your ass on their stock you were so proudly over invested in. No Sergio wasn't perfect but again had he not stepped up, Chrysler would be a distant memory by now. He was playing to Obamas stupid unattainable CAFE book "V8's will be as rare as white flies" - he didnt see Trump coming, he then died. It was Mike Manley who did this lame duck merger. Sergio was trying to run the company 10 years ahead and under the liberals was nearly impossible compared to how Chrysler made all their money (STILL)

How much did you lose? You should have listened - I sounded the alarm long ago on here, go look
I haven’t lost a penny
I don't know who can be happy with the decisions made by Carlos 2nd Le Cost Cutter unless he or she has Stellantis shares.