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As expected Elkann is not play with UAW:Warren Truck & Belvidere Closing,Sterling Heights cuts & more IF Strike

People making less than $30 an hour have nothing to lose in this economy. Most of them have just stayed on long enough to see this strike. Young UAW workers don't have houses, they maybe have apartments or live with family. There is no 'we'll blow through the strike funds and lose our house' threat - there is no house for the under-40 workers, which increasingly comprise most of the UAW. Most of the under-40 UAW aren't married/don't have children. This isn't the boomer UAW anymore - Stellantis has stolen a reasonable way of life from these people by pocketing the profits. "You'll be happy slaves, you're lucky to have a job" - not anymore. Look at SAG - AFTRA - California people who have a similar demographic - childless/mostly unmarried, living in apartments. Four months on strike, no end in sight. They have nothing to lose.

The only, final threat that Stellantis can make is moving everything to Mexico because the UAW won't bend. That's why I said - good luck selling/moving production of an entire Jeep Product Portfolio that's built in Mexico, because we hold the keys to your profit kingdom with six plants that are within close proximity to each other. The workers hold the keys to the profit kingdom - not Stellantis.

Sterling Heights - Ram 1500
Warren - Wagoneer
Jefferson 1 - Grand Cherokee 5 Passenger (WL74) and Durango
Jefferson 2 - Grand Cherokee 7 Passenger
Toledo 1 - Wrangler
Toledo 2 - Gladiator

All within 70 miles of each other. 90% of Stellantis US profits.

The UAW has more leverage than you realize. I won't have to belabor the point much longer - you're going to see what's going to happen very shortly, and like everything I post on this board, I will have been right, AGAIN.

Do I ever get tired of being right - no!
I assume you are with UAW. I hope you guys win every concession you want. It's obscene to see quarter after quarter of record profits and the workers getting squeezed with the increasing cost of life.
Lol, you my friend have no idea then how many of us are living on under $18 an hour. This is why I hate all unions they make $25-$30 an hour get amazing benefits (compared to what most of us get) plus profit sharing and yet all they do is complain lol.
If I can rent an apartment, buy food (and go out to eat once a week) and pay all my bills and still have enough to save some money each pay check at $17.50 an hour then others can to and if not there are plenty of other jobs out there. I hope Stellentis wins this as I will continue to buy the products they make.
So you hate unions, because they manage to get decent salaries to workers because you live under $18 an hour? Maybe you should, I don't know, unionize to get the same perks instead of being a boot licker? That has only gotten you $18 an hour salary after all.
Of all my years on Allpar and here this may be the most ridiculous post I have ever seen. The only business GM would be interested in would be Jeep. You're basically advocating for the company to cease to exist. Last time we had domestic ownership they tried to break the company up and sell to Chinese, Japanesse, and Germans in pieces. This is Xenophobic nonsense. Ford and GM are not American companies they are international companies just like FCA as part of Stellantis. Elkman cannot agree to a labor agreement that will mean insolvency in the next downturn, we finally got off that rollercoaster. Right now, UAW took too big a bite and it going to Choke it back up with plant closures and a prolong time with it rank and file out of work.
So the real question is what exists now other than Jeep, and an aging pickup truck line? This company has very little future in NA.
I assume you are with UAW. I hope you guys win every concession you want. It's obscene to see quarter after quarter of record profits and the workers getting squeezed with the increasing cost of life.

I am not, but I have family that are.
So you hate unions, because they manage to get decent salaries to workers because you live under $18 an hour? Maybe you should, I don't know, unionize to get the same perks instead of being a boot licker? That has only gotten you $18 an hour salary after all.

No I hate unions because it makes people think they are entitled to (most of the time) more than they are worth and that is a simple fact. I don't have to "boot lick to get what I am earning and at any time I choose I could find a higher paying job but I am happy since all my bills are taken care of. I find it funny that you and others cry about prices going up well guess what if the unions get there way expect prices to go up even faster, it's called economics 101. I'll bet you support the idea of fast food workers unionizing like they are demanding well have you seen the prices these day's? Just 3 years ago all had a dollar menu with many items listed but thanks to workers demanding more money (I used to work at a Mcdonald's it's not hard work sorry) these menus are gone because in order to pay more you need to make more or YOU will go under then everyone loses, again economics 101. If you built and ran your own company that made $100,000 a year in profit with 5 employee's but suddenly your workers via a union were demanding $10,000 more a year are just going to suck the loss and not do something about it? If anyone had that the answer is no because they did the work investing their time, ideas into actually making a company not the workers.

It's also really funny to hear the exact same people that are complaining about car prices yet they want the unions to make more money which guess what, It's going to make the prices go up even more.

The other reason I hate unions is they are a communist and socialist idea. The way capitalism works is if the workers aren't happy with pay, conditions, benefits ect. they can get a different job and if employees keep doing that the company will either go under by not making/producing enough for the market or they will adapt to make workers happy so they stay ( this happened to a company close to where I live, for the work they were demanding people wouldn't work there so they would get jobs elsewhere and the company since then has increased there wages for workers in order to get them). That is how it's supposed to work in America, not a union (why don't people ever complain about the millions the union makes anyway?) that forces a company to do things that is one company telling another how to run there's. People are free to work where ever they want and if they aren't happy then leave.
You can’t have the whole country and system running on capitalism and have an industry or 2 running on communism.

We live in a capitalist world, and this is the reality of our world whether we like it or not.
No I hate unions because it makes people think they are entitled to (most of the time) more than they are worth and that is a simple fact. I don't have to "boot lick to get what I am earning and at any time I choose I could find a higher paying job but I am happy since all my bills are taken care of. I find it funny that you and others cry about prices going up well guess what if the unions get there way expect prices to go up even faster, it's called economics 101. I'll bet you support the idea of fast food workers unionizing like they are demanding well have you seen the prices these day's? Just 3 years ago all had a dollar menu with many items listed but thanks to workers demanding more money (I used to work at a Mcdonald's it's not hard work sorry) these menus are gone because in order to pay more you need to make more or YOU will go under then everyone loses, again economics 101. If you built and ran your own company that made $100,000 a year in profit with 5 employee's but suddenly your workers via a union were demanding $10,000 more a year are just going to suck the loss and not do something about it? If anyone had that the answer is no because they did the work investing their time, ideas into actually making a company not the workers.

It's also really funny to hear the exact same people that are complaining about car prices yet they want the unions to make more money which guess what, It's going to make the prices go up even more.

The other reason I hate unions is they are a communist and socialist idea. The way capitalism works is if the workers aren't happy with pay, conditions, benefits ect. they can get a different job and if employees keep doing that the company will either go under by not making/producing enough for the market or they will adapt to make workers happy so they stay ( this happened to a company close to where I live, for the work they were demanding people wouldn't work there so they would get jobs elsewhere and the company since then has increased there wages for workers in order to get them). That is how it's supposed to work in America, not a union (why don't people ever complain about the millions the union makes anyway?) that forces a company to do things that is one company telling another how to run there's. People are free to work where ever they want and if they aren't happy then leave.
Or the company can ship your job to China or a Vietnam or Malaysia where workers rights to a safe and sanitary work environment with a decent life balance are non existent. Don’t get me wrong , I’ve seen the damage unions can do. But I’ve also seen the total disregard for human beings that global multinationals with their billionaire “ leaders” can produce. If you think you just walk away from a job individually and this influences large multinationals, you are living in a fairy tail world. Unions can be proposterous in their demands. Big multinationals and large corporations have no regard at all for workers, and the communities they live in. You better think about what you do for a balance, because without it, the result would be really bad for all involved.
with the union pushing back on the carmaker’s stance on job security in the electric-vehicle transition and pay parity, according to people familiar with the matter.

Look like the Mexico for Gasoline RAM.
( the electric-vehicle transition).
Warren is the haggling piece.
SHAP will absolutely not give up the 1500, I’ve talked to leadership from SHAP myself. This is not your Boomer Dad’s UAW.

They think we’re stupid enough to give up the profit minting 1500 with some EV truck turd, lmao 😂

We know what we’ve got with the seven plants in 90 miles, we’re not giving ANY of these vehicles up.

We’ve got STLA profits hostage, and they know it.
I would rather see Chrysler sold, even if it means fewer workers / plants, temporarily. It can build back. Chrysler deserves to be free from these leeches.
krnl download
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I would rather see Chrysler sold, even if it means fewer workers / plants, temporarily. It can build back. Chrysler deserves to be free from these leeches.
I rather see you in a Chinese made vehicle , or KIA.
There’s no reason why an employee shouldn’t get better benefits if the company is doing good. But that doesn’t mean all the profits need to go to the employees.
A company has to keep some $$$ in case a downturn happens in the future.
SHAP will absolutely not give up the 1500, I’ve talked to leadership from SHAP myself. This is not your Boomer Dad’s UAW.

They think we’re stupid enough to give up the profit minting 1500 with some EV truck turd, lmao 😂

We know what we’ve got with the seven plants in 90 miles, we’re not giving ANY of these vehicles up.

We’ve got STLA profits hostage, and they know it.
I’m sorry but you’re an absolute fool. Blinded, obviously.

I hope the manufacturers hold out and tell the UAW to pound sand. The real leeches.

Long live Chrysler/Stellantis! Fain and his cronies, well……
Ram DS was built in Saltillo so that would not be a problem .
Jeep Compass is currently the sole product out of Toluca, so it can be repurposed to built more vehicles.

DS is expected to continue to be produced in Saltillo, with most of them to export countries like Brazil, Argentina, and other lower-income countries.
I’m sorry but you’re an absolute fool. Blinded, obviously.

I hope the manufacturers hold out and tell the UAW to pound sand. The real leeches.

Long live Chrysler/Stellantis! Fain and his cronies, well……

Lmao - owned, UAW won.
I might be hard to comprehend, but Hyundai and Kia are one of, if not, the safest and most reliable brands.