
> EVERYBODY !! Just shut up and buy the Jeep Gladiator. It's a midsize pickup with dimensions matching the competitors' midsize offerings. Plus it's a Jeep, that's where the margins are. Stellantis can't allow another brand to take up space on the production line, because as soon as the sales free fall is over, Toledo will be at capacity. There can't be another Dakota, because the Daimler era Dakota was bloated with a thirsty V6 and had other numerous issues. Stellantis can never return to an abandoned market segment where some flawed Daimler-Chrysler era product failed. It is OK to offer full lineups in other markets, but the more lucrative market segments in North America must be avoided at all costs. There is no money in selling motor vehicles the American public desires. <sarcasm

Your absolutely correct, hit the Nail on the head.
They should ignore previous failures in the market, they should ignore the real chance for cannibalization, they should ignore eroding the margins on a sister product, they should ignore the crowd of brand-new offerings in the BOF segment from Toyota, Ford, GM, and Nissan, they should go ahead a forgo any proper market analysis instead relying of internet forum chatter as a cost justification.
They should abandon the plan of a mid-sized offer focused directly on NA, in the less crowded area of the pickup market, for a mee too, pick me product, at very least they should force the US government to normalize trade relations with Brazil, allow the soon to be dead CUSW platform into NA, Rampage to be offered here. Never mind there is no shipping, and that sort of capacity is being converted to STLA Mid as an alternative in NA.
Because we want it, and we say so. And by the way- make sure it cheaper and better than any of the other new offerings.
Make it so, the ROI, payback, and the capital and the magic rush to market is all on us. Practicality and money be damned.