Followers should never underestimate the value and appeal of the Jeep brand. Among the inherent qualities is the Jeep aura and brand image. distinct recognizable styling and of course Jeep capability. Europeans, in my experience, gravitate to American culture. I’ve traveled to Italy many times, for long visits over a couple of decades and I’ve seen the changes. American T-shirts are the norm, not the exception. Almost everyone understand and speaks some English and the attitude, the personality above all, is Americanized. It should be no surprise then that small Jeeps, Renegades and Compasses, are everywhere. Sure they are made in Italy, but they scream, America. Personally, I miss my distinctive Italian roots. Guess I’m an Italian-American who puts a bit more emphasis on the Italian.
To that end Jeep, not the only domestic brand obviously, has a major opportunity to exploit these characteristics in market trends and never compromise or underestimate the unique value of the Jeep brand, truly a global phenomenon.
The world is shrinking, distinctions are narrowing and everywhere a Jeep is a Jeep and that should never be underestimated. Avenger by Jeep, Italian-American, emphasis on American.