
Upcoming Event: SRT Hayes Demon Event On September 22nd:

You Don't Want To Miss This One...

Our friend Dave Hayes is putting on an event on September 22, 2019, from 9 am until 5 pm, at Grand Bend Motorplex, located at 70292 Grand Bend Line, Grand Bend, ON. This is a private track rental with a total of 20 spots available that are filling up fast. Dave will also be putting on a limited number of thrill rides in his 2018 Dodge Challenger SRT Demon. Dave has an agreement with the track that will allow him to take a passenger on an all-out quarter-mile pass in a Dodge Demon, which is something that most people will never get to experience. Thrill rides are $50 Canadian each, and you are guaranteed an under 11-second pass or he will take you out for another one.

SRT Hayes Demon Event Poster (Dave Hayes)

Mopar owners can also register to bring their car out to the track and race it in a test and tune format from 9 am to 5 pm, you will be able to make as many passes as you wish during that time. If you would like to enter your Mopar in the event, the cost for the day is $150 and includes your crew; you can also take your friends for quarter-mile passes in your car as well.

Doug Ritter Demon
Doug Ritter’s F8 Green SRT Demon (Moparinsiders)

The Moparinsiders team went out to Daves last event back in May and had a great time. In fact this time we will be driving our 2019 Dodge Challenger R/T Scat Pack 1320 5,000 kilometers each way from Vancouver, B.C to Grand Bend, Ontario, to compete in the event. As a little bonus during the day, Dave and I are going to swap cars, and he will be driving our Challenger 1320, while I will get a chance behind the wheel of his Demon.

Demon Racing
Dave Hayes’ 2018 Dodge Challenger SRT Demon (Moparinsiders)

If you are interested in registering for the event (spots are filling up fast), contact Dave at [email protected], Spectators are also welcome to come out for an exciting day of just watching the races. We have also talked to Dave, and together we might be co-hosting a few different events next year in different Provinces in Canada if there is enough interest.

We hope to see a lot of people out on September 22nd for an exciting day at the track!

Jared Balfour

Jared founded MoparInsiders and is a 41-year-old automotive enthusiast from Vancouver, British Columbia. He took an interest in cars at a very young age and has been interested in them ever since. His hobbies include photography, videography, drag racing, and auto detailing. He currently owns and drives a 2023 Audi RS6, a 2024 GMC Sierra, and a 2015 Dodge Challenger Hellcat.

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