Well-Known YouTuber’s Wrangler (JK) Catches Fire On The Trail:
Why You Should Always Be Prepared On The Trail...

Well known Jeep overlander and YouTuber Casey Kaiser known as Coyote Works, has posted some amazing videos of his adventurers in his 2013 Jeep Wrangler (JK) Unlimited Rubicon over the past year. Coyote Works has posted content over the past several years about survival in the wilderness as well adventure seeking off the beaten path.
Originally equipped with a Nissan Xterra, he switched over to a Wrangler (JK) Unlimited Rubicon last year. He started outfitting the Wrangler with a roof rack and a Jeep roof top tent. As the project became more in-depth, Casey posted some great real word reviews of different products for the Wrangler. During that time, he has taken his Wrangler on trips around remote parts of Oregon, Idaho, Nevada, and California.
On a recent trip on some remote locations in Oregon, his Wrangler experienced an engine fire. Casey had cameras rolling to document the entire experience. Luckily, he was unhurt but the same thing could not be said of the Wrangler. Even though it ended up badly, he is already planning on upgrading another Wrangler for his next adventure. The most important thing that the video should teach you, is to always be prepared when on the trail for anything to happen!