Stellantis Patent Aims To Enhance Low-Power DC Fast Charging
Boosting Charging Efficiency For 800-Volt Electric Vehicles...
Stellantis (FCA US, LLC) is developing innovative hardware that could revolutionize how electric vehicles (EVs) charge at lower-powered DC fast-charging stations. This new system, described in a recently published U.S. patent on the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) website, aims to bridge the gap between 400-volt and 800-volt charging architectures, allowing high-voltage EVs like the 2025 Ram 1500 REV to charge faster at stations with less powerful outputs.
Stellantis Patent Aims To Enhance Low-Power DC Fast Charging
Stellantis (FCA US, LLC) is developing innovative hardware that could revolutionize how electric vehicles (EVs) charge at lower-powered DC fast-charging stations. This new system, described in a recently published U.S. patent on the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) website, aims...