Confession time. I must admit that with each passing day I fall under the “senior citizen” definition. The brunt of many jokes and jibes, growing older is no joke. This rapid fire pace of technological advancement for my generation is intimidating rather than exciting, confusing rather than comforting, overwhelming not supportive. Seniors do not need it or want it or value it. I lost interest at variable wipers and cruise control. But, let’s face it, this CES event is not for us golden oldies but for the next generations of tech savvy consumers of the future. That is one reason I’m sticking with my current cars, I understand and can function with them. I can drive them and will never get into an autonomous vehicle despite the fact that driving at night poses a risk for driver, passenger and pedestrian alike. True Confessions Time again.
All humor aside, and my suggestion here, is that auto manufacturers provide new age driving classes for seniors to attract older buyers who might love the new stuff, but damn if we can understand it at first exposure. Confession, we need help fast.
Getting older is a wish everyone has, check out the alternative, but ignoring that demographic in a rush to the self fulfilling future think of planners, which inevitably is to invite a sweet revenge in a decade or two for their blind indifference to their passed over consumers. Oh the shame of it.
Confessing, I’m really missing gas power cars , phones, books, delivered mail and live conversations already. Must be a “senior moment”.