AUCTION: 1931 Chrysler CG Imperial Convertible Coupe by LeBaron
Among The Most Exclusive & Attractive LeBaron Body Styles...

The remarkable styling of the CG-series Imperials was the work of LeBaron, one of the greatest design firms of the Classic Era. Founded by Thomas L. Hibbard and Ray Dietrich, and later joined by Ralph Roberts, the company established itself as innovative, creative, and responsive. Although Hibbard and Dietrich later left the firm to pursue other opportunities, the company flourished at the hand of Ralph Roberts.

AUCTION: 1931 Chrysler CG Imperial Convertible Coupe by LeBaron
While there were a number of customs executed by other coachbuilding firms, LeBaron accounted for the vast majority of bodies on the Imperial Custom Line chassis. Many collectors are familiar with the sport phaetons and roadsters, yet few are aware that one of the rarest—and one of the most...