THE BEE IS BACK! Super Bee Returns To Charger For Limited Run Of 1,000 Drag Racing-Oriented Models!
Takes Highlights From Challenger R/T Scat Pack 1320 & SRT Super Stock...

Dodge has just unveiled its second of seven special-edition “Last Call” models. If you checked in last night, we hinted at the identity of the second “buzz” model with the re-introduction of the Super Bee nameplate for the Dodge Charger.

THE BEE IS BACK! Super Bee Returns To Charger For Limited Run Of 1,000 Drag Racing-Oriented Models!
Dodge has just unveiled its second of seven special-edition "Last Call" models. If you checked in last night, we hinted at the identity of the second "buzz" model with the re-introduction of the Super Bee nameplate for the Dodge Charger.