Jeep® Shows Off Its 4xe European Lineup At The 2022 XMaster Winter Tour!
Italian Winter Adventure Event, Also Allows Fans To Get Closer To The Electrified Jeep Lineup...

The XMasters Winter Tour is sort of a winter XGames event for the Italian public. The event is usually held at a selected ski resort in Italy and over the stretch of several days, it blends the best of winter action sports (SnowYoga, SnowBowling, Beerpong, SnowBike, and SnowScoot), freestyle competition, and some of the hottest music from a talented list of renowned DJs. The 2022 event ended this past weekend after four days in the San Pellegrino Pass, which is a high mountain pass in the Italian Dolomites.
In its 13th year, the Jeep® brand returned to the event to not only sponsor but offer the public a chance to experience the latest lineup of Jeep vehicles.

Jeep® Shows Off Its 4xe European Lineup At The 2022 XMaster Winter Tour!
The XMasters Winter Tour is sort of a winter XGames event for the Italian public. The event is usually held at a selected ski resort in Italy and over the stretch of several days, it blends the best of winter action sports (SnowYoga, SnowBowling, Beerpong, SnowBike, and SnowScoot), freestyle...