Chelsea Proving Grounds Completes It’s 25,000th Crash Test:
Crashing Cars To Advance Safety...

Just south of the town of Chelsea, Michigan, surrounded by agricultural area, is a 3,850-acre operation where the Chrysler Group of the newly formed automaker Stellantis, has developed its upcoming portfolio of new vehicles since 1954. The Chelsea Proving Grounds operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, as it conducts 85% of the group’s vehicle testing scenarios including impact barrier tests; safety sled; emissions build and testing; emissions development and certification; powertrain calibration; performance and fuel economy; corrosion tests; and brake systems development and certification.

Chelsea Proving Grounds Completes It's 25,000th Crash Test:
Just south of the town of Chelsea, Michigan, surrounded by agricultural area, is a 3,850-acre operation where the Chrysler Group of the newly formed automaker Stellantis, has developed its upcoming portfolio of new vehicles since 1954. The Chelsea Proving Grounds operates 24 hours a day, 365...

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