‘Fast & Furious 9’ Will Feature A Number Of Mopars As Shown In New Trailer:
Will Open In The United States On July 25th...

The Fast and the Furious franchise has come a long way from being the cult movie that kicked off a new generation of car enthusiasts. Now a series of heist/action films consisting of off-the-wall stunts and action sequences, the Fast and Furious franchise is one of those series of movies you hate but just can’t get enough of.

'Fast & Furious 9' Will Feature A Number Of Mopars As Shown In New Trailer:
The Fast and the Furious franchise has come a long way from being the cult movie that kicked off a new generation of car enthusiasts. Now a series of heist/action films consisting of off-the-wall stunts and action sequences, the Fast and Furious franchise is one of those series of movies you...