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Jeep® Will Run An Ad During Super Bowl LV, Tomorrow:

Jeep® Will Run An Ad During Super Bowl LV, Tomorrow:​

No Information On The New Commercial Just Yet...​


The Jeep® brand announced earlier this week, that it will run a single spot during the second half of Super Bowl LV tomorrow. Jeep did not say how long the ad would be, the agency behind the ad, or any details about it. With an onslaught of new vehicles getting ready to launch like the … (read full article...)

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zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz disappointing
Some marketing agent is going to be very unhappy after flak from forgetting the outline the land part of the Michigan UP on the map. (should also be a fun fact to show the real state lines of Michigan, and the other great lake states w/o the lakes - and see how many people really recognize the state w/o the lakes)
That and the person in the Ad has been pretty divisive for the the last 4 years and all that is coming out today. A more neutral person like say a Mike Rowe or Gary Sinise would have been a better choice.

In the end that not stuff Jeep needs.... and with 5 new products launching how about showing those.
SOOOOOO this happened in November, FCA ran a add by a guy that was pinched for DWI in November.

That is a special kind of incompetence.

Jeep® Pulls Bruce Springsteen Super Bowl Ad From Social Media:​

And Not For The Reason You May Think...​

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The MoparInsiders e-mail was blowing up this week over this ad. From people being upset that it was political and Springsteen endorsed Biden, to the absence of the U.P., and everything else in between. A lot of people assume we are actually Mopar and sent us threats about how they are never buying a Jeep again and whatnot. I will say it wasn't just from the right either. We got a lot of people from the left saying Jeep should not get involved with anything political at all.

But it's not the only time Jeep has done something like this either... check out the article above and you'll see what I mean.
The MoparInsiders e-mail was blowing up this week over this ad. From people being upset that it was political and Springsteen endorsed Biden, to the absence of the U.P., and everything else in between. A lot of people assume we are actually Mopar and sent us threats about how they are never buying a Jeep again and whatnot. I will say it wasn't just from the right either. We got a lot of people from the left saying Jeep should not get involved with anything political at all.

But it's not the only time Jeep has done something like this either... check out the article above and you'll see what I mean.
I did hear from more “progressive” pals that felt the ad was done by people “who didn’t read the room”.
About the “never buying Jeep again” crowd, they wouldn’t like Jeep’s largest investor is friends with Soros & Bloomberg.
Stellantis purchase more ad time than originally planned.

Created by a merger between Fiat Chrysler Automobiles and Groupe PSA last month, Stellantis had originally purchased two 60-second slots for other commercials already created for the Super Bowl. So when Francois realized he had a short Springsteen film ready to go, he rushed to CBS, the network showing the game on Sunday, and asked if he could combine his purchases to show a single, long-form ad. Because arranging a Super Bowl ad roster can often be as complex as a top coach’s book of defensive maneuvers, Jeep considered a 90-second cut for its Springsteen ad. But Francois says he felt some other commercial showing up after Springsteen’s stirring oratory would ruin the ad’s effect on viewers, and so he pressed to have the new Jeep ad take up an entire break.

Springsteen has long sung of a “’69 Chevy with a 396,” of a Cadillac that is “long and dark, shiny and black,” and of the “crushed velvet seats” of a “pink Cadillac.” But Francois was convinced the songwriter embodied many of the attributes that make Jeep appealing to car buyers. “It is obvious to anyone. He is exactly like Jeep — iconic, American, rugged and authentic,” says Francois. As he cast about to try and put different concepts into action, music producer and executive Jimmy Iovine helped him strike a relationship with Landau in late 2011.

“I thought he could be a good candidate, and that is when I met Jon, who very nicely, kindly, explained to me that this will never happen,” recalls Francois. “He starts telling me all these stories, how [former Chrysler CEO] Lee Iacocca reached out really offering him a ton of money to just get a song in a commercial, with Bruce always turning down every offer.”

Even so, Francois and Landau kept in contact. “Along the way, from time to time, not presuming too much, I would try to pitch some ideas. They would turn me down — always. Obviously, I didn’t want to abuse my relationship,” says Francois. “But I’m a car salesman, so I can’t help but try to sell my ideas. It never worked. It never worked.”

Until early in 2021. David DeMuth, the CEO of Doner, one of the company’s ad agencies, reached out to Francois with something he thought warranted attention.

Based in Southfield, Michigan — close to Detroit, America’s auto-manufacturing center — Doner has a history of helping to sell cars. Its executives devised the famous “Zoom Zoom” slogan that was a big hit for Mazda for nearly 15 years. Now DeMuth had a script for a commercial called “The Middle.” The ad describes the tiny U.S. Center Chapel in Lebanon, purportedly in the exact geographic center of the contiguous 48 United States. The ad copy told of a church that “never closes. All are welcome to come meet here — in the middle. It’s no secret: the middle has been a hard place to get to lately, between red and blue, between servant and citizen, between our freedom and our fear.” Francois stored it in a folder in his computer.
They probably got a deal considering they were having a hard time filling Super Bowl ad slots.
I could have run down to the Mill there in Kansas and pulled 5 guys, wearing a feed hat, not a Cowboy hat. Doesn't know what this damn twitter thing is, votes for the guy he likes best, far as he knows FB is what keep wife busy keeping track of the grand kids .......... could have perfect captured the message of the Ad without being a single bit divisive as a guy threatening to leave the country if he had his way who was pinched for DWI.

Its like the guys in marketing didn't have google? "Lets get the guy Who sang the USA song in the 80s" Plop a Cowboy hat on him and send him to Kansas?

"Wait, don't we have 6 new products in the coming months and a Major refresh?" , Nah lets go with guy from Jersey playing cowboy in Kansas. What could go wrong?
They just lost another faithful customer. How dare they insult us with having that ultimate hypocrite preaching to the American people about unity after he has spent the last four years dividing us with his ignorant hate. The condescending arrogance is unbelievable.
They just lost another faithful customer. How dare they insult us with having that ultimate hypocrite preaching to the American people about unity after he has spent the last four years dividing us with his ignorant hate. The condescending arrogance is unbelievable.

WHOA Cowboy........ I am absolutely SURE it wasn't on Purpose, it was out of Ignorance.

They literally didn't think the google him. Let get the "MADE IN THE USA GUY" the boss, everyone loves him.

Poor People in PR are scrambling....... this stuff happens all the time. My company is multi-million, one of the biggest Plastics companies on the planet. We recently merged two divisions. The new Name of Division ERIS ..... seems innocent enough. Good plan executives group. First thing the Market Lady did was google it. ERIS - Goddess of Discord and Ciaos ..... so my division is the Goddess of Discord... wow.... now dealing with what we do with that.

The guys on the line, in the design house, people at the suppliers shouldn't be punished for a error made in the Executive Suite. Call them instead, tell them you were a loyal customer, ask them to have your Jeep partisan free. The message of the ad was noble, the person delivering it was bad.
WHOA Cowboy........ I am absolutely SURE it wasn't on Purpose, it was out of Ignorance.

They literally didn't think the google him. Let get the "MADE IN THE USA GUY" the boss, everyone loves him.

Poor People in PR are scrambling....... this stuff happens all the time. My company is multi-million, one of the biggest Plastics companies on the planet. We recently merged two divisions. The new Name of Division ERIS ..... seems innocent enough. Good plan executives group. First thing the Market Lady did was google it. ERIS - Goddess of Discord and Ciaos ..... so my division is the Goddess of Discord... wow.... now dealing with what we do with that.

The guys on the line, in the design house, people at the suppliers shouldn't be punished for a error made in the Executive Suite. Call them instead, tell them you were a loyal customer, ask them to have your Jeep partisan free. The message of the ad was noble, the person delivering it was bad.

Well then I'm waiting for the apology. Nothing was mentioned regarding his prior political rants, just the DUI which nobody gives a crap about. A apology from Springsteen for his hypocrisy and for disrespecting the majority of the American people in also in order. I won't hold my breath for either. They can take their new Grand This and Grand that and shove it. I hope the new Bronco kicks their ass !
Well then I'm waiting for the apology. Nothing was mentioned regarding his prior political rants, just the DUI which nobody gives a crap about. A apology from Springsteen for his hypocrisy and for disrespecting the majority of the American people in also in order. I won't hold my breath for either. They can take their new Grand This and Grand that and shove it. I hope the new Bronco kicks their ass !
You honestly think you get an ''apology'', especially when Italians got upset about FIAT no longer being an Italian company as result of the Chrysler merger. LMAO Not happening with John Elkann.
You honestly think you get an ''apology'', especially when Italians got upset about FIAT no longer being an Italian company as result of the Chrysler merger. LMAO Not happening with John Elkann.
Oh don't I know it !