Want to know what Ram owners want in a truck? That's simple information to gather. Hell, Sign me up& I'll spend the last quarters gathering that data across the states, from sea to shining sea, from as many Ram owners as possible. Focusing on Ram owners who are on their second Ram or following the Ram Fam for who knows how long.
I can easily say it's not going to be a 15k$ truck. If you want a 15k$ truck, buy a used one.
The #1 goal would be compiling a vast majority who dislike/ hate/ despise/ or simply have no use for XYZ features.
Features like the backup camera being mounted in the tailgate. Why? Now I have to get angry every time I think I can easily pull my tailgate off& forget about this wire holding it together that's stronger than the steel strap that holds it. But that's low in the list. START by getting rid of the mandatory safety Features. The amount of times I need to be backing up or maneuvering the truck as I'm jumping in&out with the door open, or hanging out the door looking at everything you can't see elsewhere must be at a much higher rate than everyone else who doesn't use their truck for truck things. I'm not trying to pick my transmission off the floor because I forgot you can open the door while in gear. LORD FORBID YOU DON'T PUT YOUR TRUCK BACK IN PARK IF YOU FIND YOURSELF IN A LAKE OR RIVER! YOUD BE FUQQ'D. Know what else we want? Keys. Some of us need keys. And not some ¼" × ¾" plastic play slot that you can start with your finger and not the key. Hell, lose the transmitter junk& you'll watch car thieves get really uncomfortable trying to pick a lock like the good ol days. No more downloading keys at your buddies house to then go rip off whomever, that ALL OF US DRIVERS END UP PAYING FOR IN THE LONG RUN.
What else? I get that technology can be cool. I don't understand why I don't have the ability to override Features just like Ford can with their backdoor software. Which relates to the open door/ anti drive policy. Let ME BE THE ONE WHO CAN TURN THAT OFF IF I CHOOSE. OR DELETE IT ALL TOGETHER. LET DARWIN GIVE OUT HIS AWARDS AS NEEDED. BECAUSE TODAY, THEY'RE NEEDED MORE THAN EVER.
I could go on&on with another dozen or more things right off the top but the woman is getting upset as I'm finger banging this broken screen because PHONE COMPANY'S CAN'T EVEN MAKE A PHONE THAT'S BUILT IN A WAY TO PROTECT ITSELF FROM MEN.
WANT TO BUILD YOUR BUSINESS? BUILD GOOD, RELIABLE, TOUGH, EFFICIENT, you add all those words you want. She's removing clothes..... Gotta go