The V8 saves them from bankruptcy, emissions are being relaxed and Ford and GM already have successful V8 offerings. If Mopar takes a snooze, it's going to lose.
in Cars? Where? Mustang sales overall barely support its continued existence, the corvette at this point is an Exotic.
The Charger would have to be redesigned... just sayin
So, you put the V8 in Ram and Charger. It is louder and slower.... likely Slower that even the Hurricane 4 not a little slower a lot slower. So people are going to pay MORE to be Lounder, slower, heavier, less efficient, worse handling, less efficient..... That is wild ass kool-aid level marketing there, good on the old staff on that one.
Ford and GM offer the V8 as like if you really have to have it despite GM recalling every damn of one them, here is our old lump. And that without even owning a Killer Straight six.
The Eagle RAM was a full sec slower then the SO and 2 sec slower than the HO. This isn't a little slower... I few tenths is a little slower. I half second is a lot slower... 2 seconds is Very Slow... So lets not pretend. This is absolutely about marketing, and posing. It not close and for people who call themselves Mopar fans to not acknowledge this is disappointing. The new powertrain is Freaken cool.
If V8 availability meant a damn thing the Camaro would be still for sale and Mustang wouldn't be holding on for dear life while the figure out some sort of sub-brand it might be like a off road oriented CUV or sedan or some weird stuff being tossed around.
The Charger as one up because fleet and municipalities, regular run of the day Charger will support Performance oriented Charger. Just where do you from here that make the V8 anything other than a "that there got a Hemi" while is looks at the racetrack of even the Hurricane4, and definitely of the Hurricane4 with electric boast. Just counting on nostalgia? Who glad I am not writing that check.
There is slim window to make Halo SRT models with Aluminum block, basically Mopar Crate motors for street use.
The other is the other OEM here is the old Classic model, thanks for the $$$$