Roadkill Nights 2024 Shifts Gears with M1 Concourse Venue
Fans Get Closer to the Action as Roadkill Nights Moves Off Woodward Avenue for the First Time Since 2015...

MotorTrend’s Roadkill Nights Powered by Dodge is back for its ninth year, and this time, it’s shifting gears with a new location and exciting changes. Scheduled for Saturday, August 10, 2024, the event returns to M1 Concourse in Pontiac, Michigan, offering a unique and immersive experience for car enthusiasts.

Roadkill Nights 2024 Shifts Gears with M1 Concourse Venue
MotorTrend's Roadkill Nights Powered by Dodge is back for its ninth year, and this time, it's shifting gears with a new location and exciting changes. Scheduled for Saturday, August 10, 2024, the event returns to M1 Concourse in Pontiac, Michigan, offering a unique and immersive experience for...