Jeep® Wrangler Outsells the Ford Bronco in the First Quarter of 2023
But Bronco Is Gaining Ground...

Off-road vehicles have become increasingly popular in recent years, with the Jeep® Wrangler and Ford Bronco being two of the most popular options for buyers. Although the Wrangler has long been considered the top player in this market, a closer analysis of the Q1 2023 sales figures reveals that the Bronco is gaining ground on its rival.
Jeep® Wrangler Outsells the Ford Bronco in the First Quarter of 2023
Off-road vehicles have become increasingly popular in recent years, with the Jeep® Wrangler and Ford Bronco being two of the most popular options for buyers. Although the Wrangler has long been considered the top player in this market, a closer analysis of the Q1 2023 sales figures reveals that...