Jeep® Kicks Off Its European Marketing Campaign For Its All-New Avenger (JJ) B-UV!
Miniseries Social Media Campaign, Designed To Appeal To Younger Buyers...

This past week, Jeep® presented the European market with the first episode of “Concentrated Freedom”, a digital series entirely dedicated to the all-new Jeep Avenger (JJ). Created by Lunartic Productions, the episodes will feature some famous influencers who will unveil the Jeep Avenger’s features in an original and entertaining way.

Jeep® Kicks Off Its European Marketing Campaign For Its All-New Avenger (JJ) B-UV!
Earlier this week, Jeep® presented the European market with the first episode of “Concentrated Freedom”, a digital series entirely dedicated to the all-new Jeep Avenger (JJ). Created by Lunartic Productions, the episodes will feature some famous influencers who will unveil the Jeep Avenger’s...