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'Fast & Furious 9' Will Feature A Number Of Mopar Vehicles As Shown In New Trailer:

Jared B

Site Admin
Staff member
Apr 21, 2018
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‘Fast & Furious 9’ Will Feature A Number Of Mopars As Shown In New Trailer:​

Will Open In The United States On July 25th...​


The Fast and the Furious franchise has come a long way from being the cult movie that kicked off a new generation of car enthusiasts. Now a series of heist/action films consisting of off-the-wall stunts and action sequences, the Fast and Furious franchise is one of those series of movies you hate but just can’t get enough of.

What are the odds the Fast and Furious sequels we be around longer than the Dodge brand. God I hope I am wrong and Dodge (and Chrysler) are around for another couple decades!!
Honestly as a car/truck enthusiast, I miss the original plot if the racing and drinking and mostly the showing off of all the cars. Fast and Furious was the new movie series that once again called the youngest generation to world of cars and opened their eyes to the reality that what you drive can be whatever you want; but now it seems that the F&F series is more about the fight scenes and saving the world than it is racing, having fun, and enjoying the world of cars.
Honestly as a car/truck enthusiast, I miss the original plot if the racing and drinking and mostly the showing off of all the cars. Fast and Furious was the new movie series that once again called the youngest generation to world of cars and opened their eyes to the reality that what you drive can be whatever you want; but now it seems that the F&F series is more about the fight scenes and saving the world than it is racing, having fun, and enjoying the world of cars.

The big wigs at the studio say that a real car movie wouldn't make the amount of money as these outlandish heist movies do, thus explains why they continue to make them.