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YouTuber Launches Ram TRX Over Small Creek And Damage Ensues:

YouTuber Launches Ram TRX Over Small Creek And Damage Ensues:​

Pushing A TRX To The Limits...​


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So, why are we intentionally damaging a new truck? Doesn't this guy have anything better to do? Donate the truck instead to charity to help someone during this time of extraordinary need! Just another example of childish excess.
Yeah, I was extremely disappointed in him for this.
This guy has always been a moron. Just another dummy with more money than sense ruining a perfectly good truck. But to be honest, doesn’t everyone love to watch stupid people do stupid things?
So, why are we intentionally damaging a new truck? Doesn't this guy have anything better to do? Donate the truck instead to charity to help someone during this time of extraordinary need! Just another example of childish excess.
Stop begging, the truck is fine and Ram literally set it up for jumps 🤦 why would you buy something to not use it what it's for, you're an example of being uneducated. Get out of here boomer 😂
This guy has always been a moron. Just another dummy with more money than sense ruining a perfectly good truck. But to be honest, doesn’t everyone love to watch stupid people do stupid things?
He has money but not a moron, the truck is literally set up for jumps, if you seen the suspension or read the brochure you would know that ✌️
Shut up. The trx is made for off-roading, maybe the pos truck should've been built better and it's his money he can do whatever he wants. I'm glad he jumped it instead of it going to someone who's gonna make it a pavement princess and just waste it. The pos truck still ran and drove fine after the impact anyways.
So, why are we intentionally damaging a new truck? Doesn't this guy have anything better to do? Donate the truck instead to charity to help someone during this time of extraordinary need! Just another example of childish excess.
It's made to be jumped and plus he's trying to give people entertaining content somebody has to push the pos to it's limits and plus older movies would demolish classic cars back in the day all the time same thing that he did but all he did is rough up the body get a life crybaby
So, why are we intentionally damaging a new truck? Doesn't this guy have anything better to do? Donate the truck instead to charity to help someone during this time of extraordinary need! Just another example of childish excess.
For entertainment. Hollywood can destroy million of dollars worth of stuff but Mike can't jump his own truck for views and replace the 2-3k in damage? I dont understand.
This guy has always been a moron. Just another dummy with more money than sense ruining a perfectly good truck. But to be honest, doesn’t everyone love to watch stupid people do stupid things?
Ruined? How so? Didn't watch the vid I am guessing? Do you realize that his fans specifically requested this jump? Myob.
So, why are we intentionally damaging a new truck? Doesn't this guy have anything better to do? Donate the truck instead to charity to help someone during this time of extraordinary need! Just another example of childish excess.
He donates to children every Christmas by organizing a toy drive. As for donating a $93k truck to help one person, your statement would have better if it were take that money and buy 4 civics or something similar to help out more families.
In any case it's his money he can do what he wants.
Better yet, why not donate the $90K to charities that support those people in need, instead of giving it to FCA? Do you really think that those people in need can afford the gift taxes on a $90k truck?
I'm betting that he'll find more damage after it's all cleaned up. He landed on one wheel first, twisting the whole frame. He broke a bed mount on the Raptor, so I imagine there's other things now in need of repair, besides the obvious.
It wasn't designed for Baja 1000 type of abuse, but for sand dunes and other soft landings. Otherwise, it would have had 30-something inches of suspension travel, with similarly equipped shocks. Just look at the damage it visibly took from the one jump he took. Wait for when it's clean and set up on a frame jig. I'm betting that the frame is twisted. But hey, at least the drive line is undamaged!
For safety and purpose, Hollywood doesn't use vehicles from the manufacturers for stunts. They build a vehicle for the specific stunt, and put a factory look body over it. Just look at the cars from "Need for Speed". They didn't actually use any of those rare cars for stunts, only for you close shots. They did, however, spend more money building those cars than their actual purchase price for those specific vehicles, but that was to make the stunt work safely.
So, why are we intentionally damaging a new truck? Doesn't this guy have anything better to do? Donate the truck instead to charity to help someone during this time of extraordinary need! Just another example of childish excess.
He did it for content for his YT channel. A lot of his subs wanted him to do it too. He jumped his Raptor a while back with minor damage, so he figured jumping the Ram would be similar. I watched the vid yesterday, and he wasn't trying to damage anything purposely. He was actually worried about what damage the truck would take because he said with the truck being so new, he couldn't get replacement parts yet. So he wasn't trying to wreck the truck, and he did it for his channel and subs. And I'm sure he'll get the truck repaired as soon as is possible. Despite this article, he actually take care of all his vehicles lol.
Stop begging, the truck is fine and Ram literally set it up for jumps 🤦 why would you buy something to not use it what it's for, you're an example of being uneducated. Get out of here boomer 😂
Ok, WHERE TO START,, whining? YOU are OBVIOUSLY without children and MOST likely VERY YOUNG. He had NO SAFTEY CREW or equipment AT ALL!!! This mental THROWBACK did not even wear a HELMET! He GLAMORIZED what professionals BEG people not to do and someone down the line will get hurt because of it. He more or less COMPLETELY DESTROYED THIS TRUCK it will NEVER drive the same again. It MIGHT have been designed with off road "racing" in mind, but what this guy did was tantamount to basically just dropping it onto its right front wheel. I DONT care WHAT it is, its trash now. So now, MUCH MORE IMPORTANTLY, what happens when THE NEXT MORON goes and does this with the complete lack of sense, safety, preparation, education and ability, JUST like this guy does, but the truck flips and kills him. Are you going to think that I'm whining then? You people love to do things without thinking. Things like, talking, acting, commiting yourself to an un-alterable COURSE of action that has consequences for ALL involved, whether they signed on or not. Anyone that published this video should be ashamed and embarrassed for not having the multitude of warnings and disclaimers that all videos of today have. I mean my God, we can't even elect someone without them putting up warnings and disclaimers on the videos. This is irresponsible, immature and an incredible example of someone who has way too much for all the wrong reasons, I'm not whining in the slightest, rather I'm trying to give you an education. but you might need another 20 to 30 years of life experience like I did before you'll understand it. Hopefully someone else can read this and see the value, don't jump your truck and my main reason for saying this is that you might kill yourself and OTHERS will have to clean YOU OUT WITH A HOSE,,,
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Who really who honestly give a chit and if you do who honestly cares one way or another certainty not myself. Mike is a fairly intelligent person and he knew before the jump what could or would happen. He knew the truck might be totally messed up from it and was prepared and planned for it. Is he a fairly a smart person well who gives a chit? He has made enough money from totaling his - I repeat his TRX to probably purchase 3 more from all the viewers on his YouTube channel and all the major media coverage. Yes as a retired Ford and GM Chassis and Engine Engineer in my opinion the truck is toast but I could care less simply because it’s wasn’t and isn’t my property. As a one time chassis engineer we can only design chassis or vehicles for what we think they might be subjected to and design and build accordingly. There will always be someone or something our designs will be tested and subjected to that is far above what we can design and than build and this is only one scenario. As a retired engineer I would love to get my paws on his truck to evaluate the damages and believe when I say damages. There isn’t any doubt in my mind that his truck has sustained severe damage internally meaning what can’t be seen unless disassembled to view. But he had planned on this and took the risk after all it’s only a truck. So again I say who gives a chit certainty not me. So move on and pretend this didn’t happen because anything you can or will say won’t change a darn thing. So what if you think he is a moron who cares after all it didn’t touch any of us now did it? Thank You
While I would never do something to a truck that cost $93k if it were my own. It is his truck to do with what he wants. I have to laugh about this since anytime I have a Chrysler press vehicle, people always tell me to beat this $hit out of it. I am thinking about why it's not my vehicle and I will have to pay for damages. But when someone actually does, they are trash talked for doing so.
Poorly planned on a sloppy day. No speed control ..... flew 20' plus father... nosed in.... the guy was a Jack ass... not because it isn't his truck but because what he didn't plan that stunt safely or with any PPE